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Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 3, 2020

Cerlos - Transforming the Trillion Dollar Building Materials Industry.

Cerlos - Transforming the Trillion Dollar Building Materials Industry.

Hello everyone. I am Oteemit. Today I will review the project: Cerlos - Transforming the Trillion Dollar Building Materials Industry.

"We provide eco-friendly, sustainable, high-performance products that are fire, mold, rot and insect resistant to improve the quality of life physically, financially and environmentally."


Cerlos is supervised by a company called MOXY OID, which has been studying this topic for 18 years and has spent more than a dozen million dollars to find the optimal solution not only in creating the best building material, but also a unique way of making it.

This team develops a building material that will not attract rodents and insects, is fire-resistant to high temperatures, and can withstand low performance, is resistant to humidity and will not emit chemical harmful substances. This composite resource will be created from lignocellulosic fiber.

This raw material is already recognized as the most used carbohydrate material, since it has renewable properties and can be a non-food vegetable substance contained in the waste of food and agricultural enterprises, which will improve the process of recycling and processing in this area.

Solution Of Cerlos

"Cerlos - a new standard for building materials"

After over 18 years and US$20 million spent on Research and Development, Cerlos has developed a brand new building material that addresses many problems associated with current building materials.

CERLOS solves the following issues:

+ SUSTAINABILITY: Unlike other building materials, CERLOS is created using 100% sustainable methods and can be 100% recycled after use to make brand new CERLOS.

+ DURABILITY: CERLOS products are fire resistant, insect/bird/rodent resistant, rot and mold resistant, water and all-weather stable (will not shrink or swell), or decay or be influenced from environmental hazards.

+ ECO-FRIENDLY: Our primary ingredient is lignocellulosic fiber. Lignocellulosic fiber is basically the cells of virtually all living plants, so the fiber can come from straw, cornstalks, or from any other agricultural or forestry waste.

Strategic Partnerships

+ VDL Technologies: expressed their confidence in successful cooperation with MOXY to bring production lines to the market. A Letter Of Support (LOS) has been signed this year

+ Kingspan: one of the world’s largest Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Manufacturers, sees enormous potential in using CERLOS for its SIPs. A Letter Of Intent (LOI) has been signed this year.

Cerlos Token

  • Token name: CERLOS
  • Minimum goal: $2,000,000
  • Fundraising goal: $20,800,000
  • Token supply: 25 million tokens
  • Nominal token price: $1
  • Jurisdiction: Labuan - Malaysia
  • Asset class: Asset Backed Token
  • Investors right: Right to receive income linked to profits
  • Accepted investment currencies: BTC, ETH, USD, Euro, GBP

Current development of company

The project already has a number of partner and strategic agreements for the supply of its products and is actively expanding their number with industry leaders. The development of this production clearly requires costs and the team decided to sell their own digital tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain at a price of $ 1.

Holders of these digital tokens can count on dividends received from the company's activities and this industry has a great potential for growth. Cerlos provides a competitive building material at a price that will be available to more people and develop this technology around the world.

The Team


More information



Telegram: hoangbinusa

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 8, 2019

SWIDEX - Swiftlance Decentralized Exchange - platform for trading

SWIDEX - Swiftlance Decentralized Exchange - platform for trading

With regards to the digital currency trading space, brokers are generally looked with assortments of trading restrictions. Conspicuous among these is getting simple trading access to stages that offer a trade of an assortment of altcoins. This particularly turns off hazard cherishing brokers who love to evaluate various coins. They think that its difficult to change over these altcoins too known trade stages do organize posting of the more settled coins over the less esteemed coins.

Another real side road is the obligatory enlistment required to utilize these trade stages. This doesn't just remove the exchange obscurity benefits from the broker, numerous stages do require the merchants to give verification of character before subsidizes move administrations can be conceivable. Different occasions, progressively complex methodology are normally included.
Summing all these, noobs and even settled brokers are effectively disheartened from effectively putting resources into an assortment of coins. Particularly in light of the fact that many trade stages likewise require a lot of specialized skill to utilize the trading interface.


SWIDEX - Swiftlance Decentralized Exchange, We give decentralized answers for crypto markets, a stage for trading ethereum based tokens(ERC-20).
The World's First DEX with a re-appropriating stage.
SWIDEX offers profits to SWDX(native token) holders quarterly as Stakeholders of Swidex

Swidex is a tokenized decentralized application that will be based on Ethereum convention. It means to give a totally decentralized trade that is eco-accommodating, quick and verified for P2P digital assets trading.
Ethereum Blockchain is received on the grounds that Ethereum was one of the early digital currencies that rose in the Blockchain business. Subsequently, most designers know about the programming language, Solidity and more than 50percent of digital assets work on Ethereum Blockchain either as fundamental Blockchain or introductory Blockchain before mainnet dispatch.
Subsequently, Swidex propels a wide inclusion of digital assets and gives a decentralized trading stage.


Concentrated EXCHANGES (CEX):
Concentrated trades are the most widely recognized and early trading stages received by most of clients in the digital money industry. They are concentrated, go about as delegates between dealers with a few standards of who, what, and when to exchange. Wallet locations are given to clients to store digital assets and thusly, they offer virtual digital assets on the trading stage for clients to exchange. The client's assets, assets are significantly put away in a focal wallet; it is possessed, controlled and overseen by a focal manager.

Since brought together trades are controlled and overseen by a focal chairman, a few natural issues are related with the utilization of CEX.

There are various accounts of clients' records solidified or exhausted without real clarification or reasons. All the more along these lines, various security ruptures have been accounted for in a huge number of dollars prompting huge loss of clients' assets, and inevitable shutdown of the trade.

As of late, a remarkable CEX, Cryptopia had a security break and apparently endured immense misfortune prompting its inevitable shut down. What's more, cases have been recorded where clients of a respectable trade were denied access to their assets because of the demise of the author of the trade holding private keys to wallets containing clients' assets and assets.


Swidex is a DAPP and token convention that gives an open distributed decentralized trading stage that is moment, quick and verified where its clients can dispose of delegate hindrances and controls of the brought together digital currency trades. Swidex isn't constrained by a focal director or element yet it offers a stage where clients are enabled to exchange legitimately inside themselves on the term they pick.

We intend to furnish a decentralized P2P trading stage with keen contract innovation. A reality where clients exchange digital assets with composure. A consuming convention will be coordinated into Swidex keen contract where Swidex tokens will gradually be consume until 30 percent (1.5 billion) of the absolute supply is effectively scorched. Swidex will offer profits in type of Ethereum (Eth) quarterly to holders of Swidex tokens. This is to remunerate Swidex token holders as partners of Swidex.


For more information, follow the link below:


Author: Oteemit

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 7, 2019

ORIONIX - Transactional Solution for the Game Industry.

ORIONIX - Transactional Solution for the Game Industry.

In the packed scene of new ICOs that approached in the course of the most recent year, many connected to the gaming business. While some are genuine crypto recreations, others are increasingly about making arrangements and stages for game developers, and there are no such constraints.Subsequently, some veteran gamers and blockchain fans are attempting to tackle different issues looked by the gaming network currently. As increasingly game players begin utilizing advanced cash along these lines, the utilization of cryptocurrency and blockchain will likewise increase. Individuals that have never claimed digital forms of money may end up with equalization. They could then end up keen on moving this equalization to a cryptocurrency wallet or a trade to exchange into Bitcoin or fiat cash.

About Orionix

We live in a time of digital transformation. The latest Global Game Market Report estimates that 2.3 billion players in the world will spend nearly $ 140 billion on games. Every year, there is an average increase of 15% in sales.

At present, most players find themselves unable to exchange their games, accounts and items in a completely safe manner. Fraud reports are rampant on the internet and it seems difficult to trade what is the right of every gamer, the time and money they invest. The revolution in the game has just begun when the emergence of new technology emerged. Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) will provide a wave of consumers who continue to grow. We see this as a big challenge for years to come, because little effort has been made to offer gamers the possibility to exchange their virtual acquisitions. You can do more with us. Our project aims to connect your game world together into one Token - one value for your valuables.

One of our long-term goals is to offer a safe environment for Real-Money Trading (RMT). What is the value of the RMT that is really valuable? Billions. These are figures provided by the World Bank in 2011. The bank analyzed the virtual world economy and determined that in 2009, more than 3 billion dollars were paid for RMT services provided by countries with lower wages. Billions of dollars are spent by players to progress characters in their favorite games. Our hope is to ensure fair trade between players who will cover the security needed for the transaction. We are aware of current requests

and the lack of adequate offers in this domain. Millions of players are affected by this problem and our project is targeted at resolving the difficulties faced by the gaming community. We realize that the road will be paved with many obstacles and our team has been in touch with the main actors in the video-game industry to deal with and overcome these obstacles. The Orionix team is dedicated to meeting player needs and meeting demand in this unexplored market.

Integration Exchange
Immediately trade ORX tokens on popular exchanges. Take advantage of your investment with the growth of our regular partnerships and major updates in our technology.

Real Virtual Value
Expand beyond imagination the reach of your virtual worlds. A new trading solution for gamers and traders.

Project Scalability
First-class cooperation with major video-game companies. Constant evolution in availability of decentralized items. More items for unlimited gain potential.

Versatile Gaming Applications
Buy, sell and trade your well spent time. Online game accounts and services are yours for a legitimate profit. ORX will make it a reality.

Secure Environment
Your safety is our utmost concern. 100% guaranteed transactions. wallet for enhanced security.

Cost Effective Solution
A completely free platform. Minting tokens for operational cost and novel marketing strategies.


For more information, follow the link below:


Author: Oteemit

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 7, 2019

BlockSafe - developed products that secure the blockchain ecosystem

BlockSafe - developed products that secure the blockchain ecosystem

BlockSafe Is a company that specializes in blockchain-based cybersecurity. They were founded in 2018, by a group with more than 17 years of experience as a team. Their overall goal is to bring safety and security to consumers.


With any industry experiencing growth, there will always be people who appear to be rich behind others. The cryptocurrency industry has seen repeated themes over the past two years - Theft. In 2018 we have seen hundreds of millions of dollars stolen. This does not even include unreported losses. Although we seek interoperability, it undoubtedly causes major problems. Achieving this, and the convenience brought, we continue to introduce new gateways for unwanted system violations and entries. Between cellular, cloud services and desktops, our information is fragmented in a dangerous way. Safe solutions are needed to keep up with this growing industry. Although this may be a difficult task, because technology is growing day by day, it needs to be done.

BlockSafe Technologies plans to fix the theft problem in this industry. Although theft will always occur, services such as those proposed by BlockSafe can minimize the amount of damage done.
To achieve their goals, the company has plans for 3 main products:

Crypto Defender

Secure your digital wallet by providing the following capabilities

  • Anti screen capture
  • Keystroke encryption
  • Anti-clickjacking

Defender Exchange

Contains CryptoDefender and ProtectID to provide exchange security.

Blockchain Defender

Protect private blockchains by acting as a gateway for data.

This is just a brief example of some of the features offered by each product. As the company develops, this product will become more expansive, and continue to adapt to the industry.

This product combination offers a comprehensive security tool for everyday users. It's much easier to be proactive, and prevent hackers from stealing funds / data, rather than being reactive. More often than not, reactive actions prove fruitless. By offering a platform like that exhibited by BlockSafe, users can be more calm, knowing that they are proactive in their approach to security.

BlockSafe is at the forefront of defending wallets and crypto exchanges

More than one billion dollars in cryptocurrency was stolen in 2018, a fourfold increase from 2017, and $ 9 million was stolen every day from individual wallets. Crypto wallets and exchanges themselves are safe, but access to them via the internet is often a weak link, which is manipulated by attackers. In addition, the majority of all cellphones worldwide have some form of malware in which malicious players watch secretly when users record passwords and other important information. This is the area defended by BlockSafe.

Token Details

Heart: BSAFE
Supply Tokens: 120,000,000
STO Distribution: 64%
Distribution Date: TBD
Sales Tokens

STO Start Date: Q4 2018
End Date STO: TBD
Raised: Looking for $ 27,000,000
STO price per Token: $ 0.25-0.50 USD
Currency Received: BTC, ETH, USD


More Informations


Author: Oteemit

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 7, 2019

BIZpaye CRYPTO - Treasury Sale Offers

BIZpaye CRYPTO - Treasury Sale Offers

Innovation can be a splendid spot, it can likewise be an impasse of numerous organizations. Changing the old innovation stage, rapidly getting a handle on new utilizations of innovation will make energy to enable organizations to get through, propelling quicker.

So as to turn into a pioneer in innovation advancement and application, endeavors need to rapidly get a handle on the most recent advances, judiciously apply to the way toward structure, creating and working the inward business.

At present open source programming is one of the unmistakable marvels in the progressive period of 4.0. Numerous corporate administration frameworks are based on this open source stage. In any case, numerous organizations are still very obscure about open source programming, don't have any acquaintance with them well, nor know the remarkable advantages of open source programming contrasted with copyrighted programming.

In under two decades, the world has changed significantly. New innovation gadgets have opened up numerous chances and framed living conditions to improve for individuals, making a good reason for business advancement. With the development of numerous innovation stages, particularly blockchain innovation is winding up progressively prevalent and generally connected in a wide range of fields. Additional stunning when blockchain innovation is being acknowledged through activities to purchase online deals utilizing virtual money. Run of the mill is the Bizpayecrypto venture - a certifiable market dependent on Blockchian innovation. Why BIZpaye is one of the best projects at the moment? We should get some answers concerning this venture:

The upsides of BIZpaye

BIZpaye CRYPTO propelled on Blockchain will give a major change and proceed onward to how Sellers and Customers associate and exchange day by day the BIZpaye environment around the world. BIZpaye CRYPTO (BIZpaye CRYPTO 'Tokens) will be the initial step to change the market, improving the present neighborhood trade credit framework and how worldwide exchanges are made.

In the wake of propelling the BIZpaye token, CRYPTO, BIZpaye will look to extend its worldwide reach with the opening of new Franchisees and associations around the globe will give a nearby client bolster store. for BIZpaye CRYPTO . These limitation offices will help create trust in cash by giving neighborhood clients and dealers support, training, innovative work of Crypto, and so on.

The dispatch of the BIZpaye token, CRYPTO, will add a third measurement to the present and developing worldwide Merchant people group in the BIZpaye biological system that gives genuine and portable capacities to Sellers when exchanging. locally, broadly or universally on a scale never observed. Furthermore, the blockchain biological system will mood killer straightforwardness and every one of the advantages of second era blockchain. All exchanges will be recorded in the blockchain record accessible to everybody.

New and imaginative arrangements conveyed with cutting edge blockchain advancements give colossal chances to improve straightforwardness on the BIZpaye Crypto biological system. Utilizing blockchain can enable individuals to record costs, dates, areas, quality, affirmation cation and other applicable data to deal with their exchanges all the more viably. At the point when biological systems are typified and ensured limitlessly, the majority of this data will build discernibility and straightforwardness of exchanged materials and administrations, bringing about lower misfortunes from the phony market and dim, improve generally speaking perceivability and consistence.

BIZpaye comprehends that so as to get Merchants willing to trust and acknowledge Credit Exchange or Electronic Credit as opposed to paying for products or administrations, a nearby nearness is required to clarify and examine better approaches for platforming and installment types can be coordinated into their business. We have all observed Seller's confinements accessible in any Crypto stage, essentially created by the way that Sellers expect up close and personal training to accept and be eager to acknowledge a non-money structure. new cash.

BIZpaye distinguishes this enormous issue with the vast majority of the dynamic electronic monetary forms up until this point, where they guarantee to build up a worldwide vendor organize from a remote area around the globe. For instance, an Australian Businessman will take a ton of influence and trust to acknowledge a cash that just has a nearness on the opposite side of the world.

BIZpaye expects to take care of this major Blockchain biological system issue by applying one of a kind frameworks that BIZpaye has created and keeps on developing through its worldwide system of Offi ce. For a long time , BIZpaye has reintroduced the neighborhood Merchant enlistment process through direct nearness through its trade framework. These demonstrated frameworks will be connected to BIZpaye, CRYPTO, to comprehend a standout amongst the most
promising issues of a particular Crypto Token plan code for exchanging merchandise and enterprises

The advantages of tokenswap offered by BIZpaye

With the change of the BIZpaye token, CRYPTO, to the BIZpaye trader biological system, Sellers will be qualified for a genuinely feasible exchange type, where exchanges can be prepared utilizing Fiat cash, Barter Credit or Crypto (BIZpaye Muff CRYPTO Tokensens).

Why BIZpaye is superior to normal commercial center

BIZpaye part (merchant)

Code improvement condition is at a beginning period. The objective is to pick an open source arrangement appropriate for the advancement of the BIZpaye biological system to guarantee a feasible, steady, decentralized and practical arrangement in both short and long haul.

The BIZpaye biological system will incorporate various procedures and members.

• Member (as a purchaser)

• Member (as a dealer)

• Resources of

• BIZpaye exchanging stage • BIZpaye e-wallet/decentralized database

• Center help

Part (purchaser)

A buy part is any individual or business that needs to buy merchandise and enterprises from different individuals adequately, financially, rapidly, straightforwardly, and dependably through one of numerous exchange forms. accessible.

Portable App, Website, up close and personal, and so forth.

individuals (like purchasing) activities can include:

• Finding great administrations and recorded by individuals (like merchants)

• Making orders

• Paying for merchandise and enterprises

• Paying expenses

• Receive crypto rewards

• Provide individuals Feedback

• Receive special prizes, faithfulness, referrals and input

Data about task token

Online Crypto Marketplace of BIZpaye CRYPTO

BIZpaye CRYPTO has opened their Crypto For Online Shopping in many different countries. Their group of companies spread over many countries and will continue to expand.Please refer below:

Where can I buy token of BIZpaye CRYPTO?

Currently the token of BIZpaye CRYPTO has been exchanged on Proassetz and is being prepared to be put on Dobitrade


With the token BIZpaye Crypto you can buy any products that are marketed on their own at preferential prices. Currently their products on the market are very rich such as electronic items, household items, clothes, ... You can find all products in Online Shopping through the link below:


The BIZpaye biological system will turn into a worldwide decentralized market where organizations and purchasers (Collective Merchants) can collaborate to purchase and sell items. This special market enables exchanges to occur as Multi-transactional B2B & B2C Online and C2C utilizing a blended texture exchanging unit (MFTU). A MFTU may incorporate money and/or BIZpaye and/or BIZpaye Barter Credit.

Individuals appreciate the advantages of item costs, exchange expenses and exchange speeds alongside remarkable security and straightforwardness.

BIZpaye CRYPTO (BIZpayeime CRYPTOTHER) propelled on Blockchain will give a basic change and proceed onward to how Sellers and Customers collaborate and exchange day by day the BIZpaye biological system around the world. BIZpaye CRYPTO (BIZpaye CRYPTO 'Tokens) will be the initial step to change the market, improving the present nearby trade credit framework and how universal exchanges are made.

For more details about the project as well as the excellent products from their projects. Please visit the links below:

Website :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Medium :
Telegram :
Linkedin :

Author: oteemit

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 7, 2019

Buy and sell cryptocurrencies fast simple and secure - Rokes Exchange platform

Buy and sell cryptocurrencies fast simple and secure - Rokes Exchange platform

Rokes Exchange is a trading platform for buying and selling digital currencies, which will be fast, simple, reliable and safe. Rokes Exchange offers the best rates for buying or selling digital currencies.

The company is registered and managed in accordance with Estonian law. All customer transactions that are posted and processed directly with Rokes are governed by Estonian law.

Features and Benefits:

+ High security: Your personal data will always be encrypted, which guarantees very high reliability and security.

+ Developers create trading platforms where buying digital currencies will be simple and easy, even for beginners.

+ Rokes Exchange accepts credit or debit cards from VISA or MasterCard.

+ Only the best and topmost cryptocurrency: Buy your digital assets in the most popular cryptocurrency in the world.

+ Personal Wallet: Download your document today, and support will check it in one hour.

+ Reliable platform: You can use all services wherever you are, and you can always be sure of the reliability of the trading platform.

The Team

More Information

ANN: https ://bitcointalk. org/index.php?topic=5150243.0

Author: Oteemit

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 7, 2019

BetGil will combine a revenue stream from RedSoft Online Gaming

BetGil will combine a revenue stream from RedSoft Online Gaming

BETGIL is set to create a revolution in the online gambling industry. Our aim is to create a platform
BetGil is comprised of a two-part business and revenue model. BetGil will combine a revenue stream from RedSoft Online Gaming and Entertainment sites as well as GilPay a money transfer and payment gateway.

RedSoft is a white labeling iGaming solutions turnkey platform for anyone looking to start their own online gaming site. RedSoft has been established and operating since 2014 with a gaming license from Curacao. This service operates under the License No. 8048/JAZ, authorized and regulated by the government of Curacao. Since then RedSoft has currently over 1,000,000+ users and has done over $200,000,000 USD in bets. Gilpay plans to be accepted in hundreds of online stores and operate a secure payment platform. By participating in the Crypto Revolution, Gilpay intends to offer crypto-based payment cards and crypto payment processing.


BetGil will deploy our smart contract in terms of random number generation, payment systems and the likes with the help of the blockchain technology.

PSP Smart  Contract:
P2P Smart Contract-Based Gaming, but that which is customized to suit the online gambling industry in a way that will simultaneously service third party online gambling developers, and the end-users (players).

Texas Poker Architecture
On the BetGil platform, third-party developers can as well run through a smart contract with us after the ICO to launch their blockchain-based Poker Texas online gambling platform. Third-party developers will not be the only people to benefit from this Poker Texas gaming platform. End users such as players would also benefit rom this after the ICO when we have fully gained the online gambling license from various authorities and governments, which is currently in process.

Sports Betting Game Architecture
With the BetGil online gambling system, players would also have the ability to get involved with or play a range of sports betting game on existing platforms. Platforms such as Bet365, William Hill, BetFair are the ones players can get on with on our platform. Although we are still in the process of getting our license where players would have to play on the BetGil platform directly

Other Game Architecture
On the BetGil platform, we will not be limited to the above number of games. Other games are still in the development process, and their architecture will be made public as soon as they are released. What we want is a transparent and reliable gaming architecture included in all our games.

User Game Flows
With BetGil, you would enjoy the seamless flow of gaming activity without the usual disruption. With our concept, you only need to browse the game you want, choose it, activate your wallet on it, make a deposit (through a smart contract in seconds), play and end game, then withdraw your funds to your wallet anonymously.

Jackpot Slot Machine Architecture
The fiat-based jackpot slot machine is often referred to a s the one-armed machine because one lever often operates them. This makes it possible to exert influence on the game outcome leaving the player impoverished. But with the BetGil system, you play on an open source code platform, where all your wins are added to the Jackpot.

Redsoft services

+ Pre-match
  • Odds for more than 50 sports around the world 
  • Over 300 different odds markets 
  • Direct contact with the trading floor managers 
  • Fully automated and customizable data 
  • Direct integration via JSON feed 
  • Update per five seconds
+ Live betting
  • Live Match Centre
  • Live Score Centre 
  • Online Video Streaming of over 28,000 Matches per Year (Contingent to license availability in your territory)
+ Live casino 
  • Real Live Casino Experience 
  • Evolution Gaming 
  • Micro Gaming
+ Slot games The Redsoft casino suite offers operators a huge range of online casino games, designed for both beginners and experienced players alike. Altogether we have over 600 games available for integration to any existing platform and are constantly developing additional games to stay ahead of the competition. + Virtual sports The Redsoft casino suite offers operators a huge range of online casino games, designed for both beginners and experienced players alike. Altogether we have over 600 games available for integration to any existing platform and are constantly developing additional games to stay ahead of the competition. + Risk management
100% automated odds computation based on the market information Risk management at user level (via General User Limits) and event/category level (via risk categories), Betting Limit

+ Odds feed 
Quality and speed of data transfer is crucial in interactive online enterprise and gaming worldwide. Customers demand data from events in real-time and want to have unlimited channels at their fingertips.

In our highly interactive world where customers demand data from events in real-time and have unlimited channels at their fingertips, quality and speed of data transfer is crucial.


Available on desktop, tablet, and mobile, our Statistics Center provides unlimited access to sports data at any time and any place.

BetGil Token Sale

Symbol: BEGL
Total Supply: 800,000,000.00 BEGL
Decimals: 18
Contract Address: 0x804d39d89d0637f94a11b6a13c92176bf8aeca34
Start: April 1, 2019, Monday 11:00AM (GMT)
Soft cap: $ 2m
Hard cap: $ 50m
Token: BetGil
Exchange Rate: 1 BetGil = $0.20 USD
Project Protocol: ERC20


More Information


Author: Oteemit

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